Adam’s Blog

That’s my thing, keepin’ the faith, baby. –Joe Friday

Archive for May 25th, 2006

Thank You for Not Voting

Posted by Adam Graham on May 25, 2006

In light of Tuesday’s Primary, some folks deserve a special thank you. So,let me say it, “Thank you! Thank you! Thank you for not voting!”

Now, I don’t include all non-voters in this list. If you’re well-informed and were just going to be out of town and were too lazy to get a ballot, shame on you. If you’re one of those people who threw up thier hands in defeat, probably shame on you. (Unless the cause you were fighting for in the first place was really stupid.)

I would like send out a hearty thank you for many who did the most patriotic thing they could do, not vote. You know you’re ill-informed and aren’t going to impose that lack of information on the rest of us. Thank you.

People are concerned that less than 25 percent of people voted in the primary. For that we should be grateful. Imagine what type of candidates and campaigns we’d hawve if the people who voted in the Presidential elections picked our candidates in the primaries. It’d be a disaster. The people who vote in the Presidential election only are like Methodists on Easter. They believe the country is important and vote every four years. They watch things like the debates to help them figure out what’s been going on since the last election. Thus the event is not only a debate, it is their newscast for four years.

However, most decided to stay out of the business of choosing other state and local leaders. They left control of our government to those who knew what they were doing and for that, I say thank you. Thank you so much for not voting.

The voting pool can’t be polluted by people without a clue-as they simply don’t know what’s going on. The County’s voting on a levy that increases taxes on their home a thousand a year? Sorry, can’t be bothered.

Our local governments work better because their stupid-proof. The higher you go up the ladder, the more incompetent the government, the higher the percentage of people voting.

So, to all the careless apathetic people who stayed home on Tuesday. Thank you. If you wish to be part of governing our state and nation, please read up on the issues. Otherwise, stay home in November as well.

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